Eye strain occurs when your eyes get tired from intense use, such as watching TV for a long time, reading, working at a computer, or anything that you use your eyes for. Your eyes are controlled by muscles just like you have all over your body. If you use them too much in the wrong way, the muscles in your eyes will get damaged. So some ways to prevent eye strain is to always have plenty of lights on when you read, watch TV, or use the computer. Proper lighting reduces eye strain. Another way to prevent eye strain is to take little breaks every 15 when you do those things so you can give your eyes a chance to rest. Usually eye strain goes away once you rest your eyes, but in some cases it can imply that you need treatment in order to reduce the eye strain pain. You also want to make sure you reduce glare. That will dramatically reduce the strain on your eyes. You want to avoid reading off a computer screen, instead read off paper. You also want to adjust contrast and color so you have a good amount of lighting at all times, it makes things much easier to see.